Wednesday 17 December 2008

World Powerlifting Champion 2008!!!

So the WDFPF World Championships were held in Evansville last month. It was a hectic week leading up to the comp. I sat my fitness test for the Police on the Thursay, the day before I left on an epic 16 hour journey Stateside. On the day of the comp I felt tired and the events of the week leading up to the competition had taken there toll. Fortunately, I reclaimed my world title but was disappointed with the lifts on the day as I was expecting great things. Training had gone well for this comp and I was looking for at least 540kg total. I was disappointed with the 500kg total I got but must admit there wasn't much left on the day. In retrospect, I think I peaked 2 weeks too soon for this competition as my big lifts had come in the gym 2 weeks before the competition s it's back to the drawing board. I've got to be happy getting my World Title back but it's back to the drawing board to hit the big numbers in competition that I know I am capable of doing!!

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